
Your efforts allowed the authorities to capture the thief. You've successfully compiled the correct codes from all of the Jackal's transmissions starting with his hack of the Telecoke data system and culminating in generating the correct code to eavesdrop on his communications.

hacker hand stealing data from laptop top down
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya / Unsplash

It was a quick investigation, but you have done it. You successfully unraveled the code and your efforts helped to get the correct data out of the stream so that we could catch the data thief. The "Jackal" has been hiding in our systems for years stealing our customer's data and giving it to our competitors. You are the real hero!

The Coca-Cola company thanks you for your efforts in solving the Great Coke Heist! Now perhaps we can work to gain the trust of our customers again as the days go by. You have saved us an amazing amount of time and effort.

We owe you a Coke!

Coca Cola commercial
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Photo by Andrey Ilkevich / Unsplash