Transmissions from Space with KittenBot: The Truth is Out There The screen is one way that KittenBot can communicate with the user but what if it could send signals to space? Or through space.... we will practice. Enter both sections
Putting KittenBot in Warp Drive Mode KC Coding Camp, Day 4 Let's supercharge KittenBot and put it into Warp Drive Mode. We will use variables and randomize the values that get assigned to them in order
Create a KittenBot Compass Using FutureBoard Onboard Sensor KC Coding Camp, Day 3 As part of the next project we will work with the magnetic sensor on the KittenBot to determine the cardinal directions that the device is
Radiation Exposure Monitor Using FutureBoard on KittenBot KC Coding Camp, 2022 Welcome to Camp, Day 4! Our goal today will be to make a program that will utilize the customize the temperature sensor on board KittenBot to
About Danny Danny Darden is a network engineer, a privacy advocate and security researcher. He is Associate Professor of Computer & Information Technology at Kilgore College and regularly teaches courses on information